Este cumpleaños, mis esfuerzos y aplausos van para para el personal sanitario del hospital de Gambo en Etiopía, para que sigan salvando vidas cada día
In support of
migranodearena is a digital platform that offers people like you different options to collaborate with an NGO.
If you want to get involved in a social cause, we make it easy! Lead a solidarity cause and share if with your family, friends and acquaintances to get their support and together help those who need it the most.
«Lots of small people, in small places, doing small things, can change the world.»
Journalist and writter
Click the "Create cause" button
Here's where the creation process of your crowdfunding campaign begins.
Pick an NGO
Pick the NGO you wish to support. If it's not listed, we'll invite it to join us.
Describe your cause
Tell your story, add images and videos, and establish the aim of your fundraising.
Share your cause
Encourage all company members to collaborate and reach the highest number of donations.
Share your cause and reach as many people as you can
Encourage all publics of the company to collaborate and get as many donations as you can.
You contribute to a more equitable society and are solidary with one another.
You'll always be informed about movements, participants and donations related to your cause.
You can reward and encourage your donators with rewards
You'll be able to communicate with your donators through updates and thank them for their collaboration.
Your donators will be able to learn about tax benefits with our virtual calculator.
They can get their donation certificate automatically through their profile.
We help you communicate your cause with our communication pack.
Check all your questions. We help you!
When you're solidary, you are happier!
Solidarity Boxes
With the Solidarity Boxes of migranodearena, you can gift solidarity in a box. It's the perfect present for your friends, family, work colleagues, and also for events.
If you want to see our boxes please head to the Solidarity Boxes page, where we explain what they consist of and show you different layouts. You can customize your box depending on the occasion. Contact us and we'll unravel all secrets
In support of
In support of
In support of