Our Foundation
The migranodearena Foundation promotes citizen participation in favor of solidarity causes.
About migranodearena
The migranodearena Foundation is a non-lucrative entity that connects people, companies and organizations from the third sector and NGOs through innovative projects and digital tools. The migranodearena foundation promotes citizen participation in favor of solidarity causes.
Thanks to our online platforms we help raise resources (funds, products, or services) for social and solidarity projects. Some areas of solidarity that we support are: rare diseases, disabilities, international cooperation, education for development, scientific investigation.
The foundation also carries out Corporate Social Responsibility programs with companies.
migranodearena keeps a small percentage (5%) of donations processed through this platform, which covers 50% of our costs. The other 50% is covered by voluntary donations from our users.
With your collaboration you help us:
Compartimos contigo nuestro trabajo
Report 2022
Criterios de Transparencia y Rendición de Cuentas
Constitución y Datos identificativos
Estructura organizativa
- Presidente: Don David Levy Faig
- Secretario: Don Enrique Bassat Orellana
- Vocal: Doña Yolanda Bassat Orellana