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Fradogo Art Artists Collective at the FCPC

Do you want to help them take off professionally and make them feel useful and recognized by society?








66 days

Your contribution has tax benefits of up to 80%


Discapacidad intelectual Discapacidad física Cultura y arte Derechos Humanos

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Published: 10 Oct 2024

Elena, Benito, Carlos, Jordi, Oriol, Patri, Juanjo, Pepe, and Marta are artists. But they are very special artists because it is much harder for them than for others to make their art a reality. Why? Because they have cerebral palsy. A physical, and sometimes intellectual, condition that has affected them since childhood and makes motor control of their hands very difficult, which is why they paint with adaptations like the "licornio" or special brushes and pencils. To be able to paint, they attend a painting workshop 3 days a week where, with their art therapist Petra, and the invaluable help of volunteers who assist them with setting up water to clean brushes, cleaning them, changing them, and executing the artwork as they want, they create pieces of incredible beauty.

All of them are part of the Fradogo Art Artists Collective at the FCPC. Fradogo was a renowned artist who, knowing that he was going to die, left his work to enable people with disabilities to become artists.

They want to be artists, not only by creating works but also by selling their art and for this, they need your help, because people with cerebral palsy and a high level of impairment cannot work in an ordinary job but want to feel useful and part of society. Can you imagine their joy when they manage to get their works acquired by someone? Knowing that your painting, which took so much effort, will be decorating the walls of a home... doesn't that seem exciting and satisfying?

To make it possible for them to sell their works, we need more volunteers and staff to help them organize their networks, their sales points, their small business... Do you want to help them take off professionally and make them feel useful and recognized by society? Your contribution can make it possible, and you can also buy works once the online store becomes a reality. Isn't that exciting?

Desde la FCPC tratamos de acompañar a las personas con parálisis cerebral para que se sientan autónomas y lleguen a serlo tanto como les sea posible. Trabajamos para crearles un entorno educativo, cultural y de ocio que les permita desplegar su propio proyecto de vida. Y esto sólo puede hacerse desde la aceptación de la diferencia. Desde el respeto. Desde la convicción sincera de que todas las personas, también las que tienen necesidades especiales, hacen sociedad y aportan tanto o más de lo que reciben.

Nuestra misión es dar dignidad a las personas con parálisis cerebral poniendo sus capacidades en valor, dotándoles de una mayor autonomía personal e incrementando su calidad de vida, ofreciéndoles programas de apoyo adaptados a sus necesidades ya sus necesidades familias, para contribuir así al desempeño de su proyecto vital.

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21 days ago