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Entrada cóctel solidario. XVII Gala Benéfica Corazón y Vida. Iniciativa Solidaria Mediolanum Aproxima.

In support of

Cause lead by

Corazón y Vida
Jaime García Pérez

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You will be repaid*:

Your actual expenditure will be

Natural persons:

The first 250€ donated give you rights to an 80% deduction.

From 250€ and above, you have rights to a deduction of at least 40%. Recurring donators* have the right to a 45% deduction.

Legal Entities:

Companies have a right to deduct 45% of their donations. Recurring donators* can deduct a 50%.

Resident donators in the Basque Country and Navarra can apply the donations set by the Provincial Law.

(*) Recurring donators are those that in the 2 immediate previous years have donated in favor of the same entity the same amount or even more than in the previous year.

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